Noire Saveset -100 Category: Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Game Saves Submitted By: Sean Date Added: Thu. Notes: Technically not a DLC, as it's included in the Remastered Editions of the game, but its achievements are separated from the main game's, like the former-DLC's cases' achievements. Downloads: 220,032 Categories: 239 Total Download Views: 126,197,862 Total Files Served: 8,533,873 Total Size Served: 72.15 TB L.A.Details: Two new collection challenges, one of which rewards the Hard-Boiled Detective outfit.Noire in-game Xbox LIVE Marketplace menu (in-game PlayStation Network Store menu for PS3 version). Notes: All DLC included in the Rockstar Pass must be downloaded via the L.A.Details: A discount cache of all Pre-order Bonuses and two upcoming cases Created on JLA Noire entire download not available and no refunds I purchased LA Noire over the marketplace last week.

You could buy xbox 360 version for like 15 EUR sealed.