Any monster with NER renders his main gimmicks useless.He's easy to take down once you defeat his allies.Wyrmlad) can take him down even with his high Life stat.
Any Attacker, especially Light Attackers (e.g. Hayman's trait protects him from next to nothing, leaving him completely open to Tortures and Control effects (aside from Daze). Recommended Relics: Masher's Staff, Pumpseed's Staff, Cane of the Atlantis Morgz's Armor, Nebotus' Armor Counters Recommended Runes: 3 Team Speed 2 Team Speed, 1 Speed Against The Grain / Opaque Husk (Husk for Self Dark Immunity + AoE Random Negative Effect, 34s, 2CD). Cornsciousness (AoE Random Negative Effect, 31s, 1CD). Recommended Relics: Masher's Staff, Pumpseed's Staff, Cane of the Atlantis Morgz's Armor, Nebotus' Armor Move over Lord Pumpseed! (Curser) Recommended Runes: 2 Strength, 1 Speed/Team Speed
Against The Grain (AoE 30 Dark dmg + Nightmares, 36s, 2 CD). Harvest Season / Night Lantern / Grain Drain (Season for 50 Dark dmg + Nightmares, 28s, 0CD) (Lantern for 35 Dark dmg + Nightmares, 0s, 0CD) (Drain for 35 Dark dmg + Lifesteal, 40s, 2CD). High Fructose Life Syrup (60 Dark dmg, 35s, 1 CD). Pumpkiñata (Random Negative Effect + PER, 28s, 2 CD). Recommended Moveset You laughed in my face. Only guaranteed effect is Nightmares, forcing him to rely on raw damage when facing against monsters with Gravedigger or Torture Immunity. Broken stats (has the highest Legendary power, speed, and life stat in the game, surpassing even some mythic stats). Access to a fine 0CD, 0s move, meaning he's not screwed against CDA and Stamina Drain. But still, he should never be used, unless your only job is trolling or actually believing people when they say Hayman is the best monster in the game. His stats were buffed so hard, they went from abysmal to THE HIGHEST STATS OF ALL LEGENDARIES, even beating mythics like Knightingale, Glamhead and Metalbeat in their health stat! His Relics are quite nifty too, with Staff helping in denial, and Armor for sustainability. As for his stats, hold on to your seats, because this is the best part.
His skillset was updated and improved, but you still shouldn't expect much. It also leaves him easily denied which can end up being a big issue. Unfortunately, his Daze Immunity trait remains unchanged, and we all know how useless it is. His signature Single-Target PER + Random Negative Effect move remains the same, and his self Dark Protection move was updated to a self Dark Immunity + AoE Random Negative effect. Well, not anymore! His moveset has been updated to take a more offensive role, with decently hard-hitting moves backed up with Lifesteal, Nightmares or random negative effects. Hayman’s skillset used to be a mix of mediocre Curser (with Stamina Leak and random negative effects) and terrible Support (with things like Team Precision and Daze Immunity, or self Dark Protection).